Amanda Rothbart Amanda Rothbart

Blog Post: Picky Eating

Mealtime battles with picky eaters are a common struggle for many parents. From toddlers to teenagers, picky eating can test even the most patient caregivers. However, with the right strategies, mealtime can become less stressful and more enjoyable for the whole family. Here are some effective tactics to help you navigate picky eating and foster healthier eating habits in your children.

  1. Create a Positive Mealtime Environment:

    • Establish a relaxed atmosphere during meals. Avoid pressuring your child to eat or using mealtime as a battleground. It’s never too early to light a candle and set a chill mood :)

    • Encourage positive conversation and avoid focusing solely on the food. Engage your child in discussions about their day or topics they find interesting. PLAY is allowed at meal times! My kids love eye spy, guessing games, and pretend play at dinner.

    • If you do want to talk about food I recommend starting with the five senses. “This broccoli is warm, crunchy, salty, and green.”

  2. Offer a Variety of Foods:

    • Introduce new foods gradually, alongside familiar favorites. Encourage your child to explore different flavors and textures at their own pace. Label different tastes and textures so your child can build upon things they like. “This carrot is crunchy like the snap peas you like. “

    • Get creative with the presentation. Arrange foods in fun shapes or incorporate colorful ingredients to make meals more appealing to picky eaters. (Google “Dino Volcano Dinner” )

  3. Involve Children in Meal Preparation:

    • Let your child help with meal preparation, such as washing vegetables, stirring ingredients, or setting the table. This can increase their interest in the food and make them more likely to try it.

    • Consider starting a small vegetable or herb garden together. Children are often more willing to try foods they've grown themselves.

  4. Set a Good Example:

    • Be a role model for healthy eating habits. Show enthusiasm for trying new foods and demonstrate balanced eating choices.

    • Avoid making negative comments about certain foods in front of your child, as this can influence their attitudes toward those foods. “Don’t yuck my yum” :)

  5. Be Patient and Persistent:

    • Understand that it may take time for your child to accept new foods. Be patient and continue offering a variety of options without pressure or coercion. Research shows a child takes 8 to 15 exposures to a new food just to enhance acceptance of that food.

    • Celebrate small victories. Praise your child for trying new foods or for eating a balanced meal, even if they don't finish everything on their plate.

  6. Establish Routine and Structure:

    • Stick to regular meal and snack times to help regulate your child's appetite and prevent grazing throughout the day. Proving protein and fiber in your child’s snacks will help curb hunger until the next meal time.

    • Limit distractions during meals, such as television or electronic devices, to encourage focus on the food.

  7. Seek Professional Help if Needed:

    • If picky eating persists and significantly affects your child's health or well-being, consider seeking guidance from a pediatrician or a registered dietitian.

    • These professionals can offer personalized advice and strategies to address underlying issues contributing to picky eating.

Dealing with picky eating can be challenging, but with patience, persistence, and a positive attitude, you can help your child develop healthier eating habits. By using these tips parents can empower their picky eaters to explore new foods and enjoy a more balanced diet. Remember, every small step toward trying new foods is a step in the right direction.

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Amanda Rothbart Amanda Rothbart

Blog Post: What’s in my hospital bag?

It all begins with an idea.

Whether you're a first-time parent or adding to your growing family, having a well-prepared hospital bag can help ensure a smoother and more comfortable birthing experience. Here's a handy checklist of essentials to pack in your hospital bag:

Personal Identification and Medical Documents: Don't forget to bring your ID, insurance information, and any necessary medical documents, such as your birth plan, prenatal records, and hospital registration forms.

  1. Comfortable Clothing: Pack loose, comfortable clothing for yourself to wear during labor and postpartum. Consider bringing a couple of nursing bras, comfortable underwear, and loose-fitting pajamas or nightgowns.

  2. Toiletries: Bring your toiletries, including toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, body wash or soap, moisturizer, lip balm, and hair ties or clips. Don't forget any personal items you might need, such as glasses, contact lenses, or makeup.

  3. Snacks and Drinks: Labor can be a long process, so pack some snacks and drinks to keep your energy up. I’d opt for easy-to-pack snacks like granola bars and peanut butter crackers.

  4. Comfort Items: Bring items that provide comfort and relaxation, such as a favorite pillow or blanket, a soothing playlist or meditation app, and massage oil or lotion for back rubs.

  5. Phone Charger: Don't forget to pack a phone charger or portable power bank to keep your devices charged and ready to use for communication, capturing special moments, or staying connected with loved ones.

  6. Baby Essentials: Pack a few essentials for your newborn, including a going-home outfit, receiving blankets, and a car seat for the trip home.

  7. Comfort Measures for Partner: If your partner will be with you during labor, consider packing some comfort items for them as well, such as snacks, drinks, a change of clothes, toiletries, and entertainment.

  8. Miscellaneous Items: Lastly, consider packing a few miscellaneous items that might come in handy, such as a nursing pillow, nipple cream, breastfeeding supplies, a camera, and a notebook or journal to jot down memories or important information.

Wishing you a safe and smooth delivery and a joyful welcome to your new bundle of joy!

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Amanda Rothbart Amanda Rothbart

Blog Post: Independent Play

It all begins with an idea.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy for parents to feel the pressure to constantly entertain and engage their children. While structured activities and quality time together are important, there's also immense value in allowing children to engage in independent play. Let's explore why independent play is crucial for your child's development and well-being.

  1. Foster Creativity and Imagination: When children engage in independent play, they have the freedom to explore their interests and express themselves creatively. Whether they're building forts out of blankets, creating imaginary worlds with dolls, or inventing new games, independent play encourages imagination and innovation.

  2. Develop Problem-Solving Skills: Without adults guiding their every move, children learn to navigate challenges and solve problems on their own during independent play. Whether it's figuring out how to stack blocks to build a tower or resolving conflicts with siblings during pretend play, these experiences help develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  3. Encourage Self-Regulation: Independent play teaches children to manage their emotions, impulses, and behavior without relying on external prompts or rewards. As they engage in activities that interest them, children learn to regulate their emotions, focus their attention, and persevere through challenges independently.

  4. Build Confidence and Self-Esteem: When children engage in independent play and successfully overcome obstacles on their own, they develop a sense of competence and confidence in their abilities. This boosts their self-esteem and encourages them to take on new challenges with enthusiasm and resilience.

  5. Cultivate Independence: Independent play allows children to develop a sense of independence and autonomy as they explore their interests and make choices without constant adult intervention. This sense of independence not only fosters self-reliance but also prepares children for future success in school and life.

Independent play is not just a way to keep children entertained—it's a valuable opportunity for them to learn, grow, and thrive. By encouraging independent play and providing a safe and stimulating environment for exploration, parents can help nurture their child's creativity, problem-solving skills, self-regulation, confidence, and independence. So, let's embrace the power of independent play and give our children the freedom to learn and play on their own terms.

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Amanda Rothbart Amanda Rothbart

Blog Post: I’m starting a blog!

It all begins with an idea.

Parenthood is an adventure unlike any other. From the moment you hold your newborn in your arms, to the countless milestones and challenges that follow, it's a journey filled with love, joy, and a fair share of uncertainty. Whether you're a first-time parent or a seasoned pro, having a reliable resource to turn to can make all the difference. That's where Raise Playspace comes in.

Welcome to Raise, your go-to destination for all things parenting, child development, life hacks, and more. We're thrilled to embark on this journey with you, offering insights, advice, and a supportive community to help you navigate the beautiful chaos of raising children.

What to Expect: At Raise Playspace, we understand that every parent and child is unique, which is why our content covers a diverse range of topics to cater to all families. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect from our blog:

  1. Parenting Tips and Tricks: From effective communication strategies to discipline techniques, we'll provide practical advice to help you tackle the everyday challenges of parenting with confidence.

  2. Child Development Insights: Understanding your child's physical, emotional, and cognitive development is key to fostering their growth and potential. We'll explore the latest research and expert insights to guide you through each stage of your child's journey.

  3. Life Hacks for Busy Parents: Parenthood is a balancing act, juggling the demands of work, household chores, and family life. Our life hacks and time-saving tips will help you reclaim precious moments and make the most of your time with your little ones.

  4. Expert Interviews and Q&A Sessions: We'll bring in leading experts in the fields of parenting, psychology, education, and more to share their knowledge and answer your burning questions.

  5. Community Support: Parenthood can feel isolating at times, but you're never alone on this journey. Join our community of like-minded parents to connect, share experiences, and offer support and encouragement along the way.

Why Raise Playspace? With countless options out there, you might be wondering what sets us apart. Here are a few reasons why we believe we're your ultimate parenting resource:

  1. Trusted Information: Our content is carefully curated and backed by research and expert advice, so you can trust that you're getting reliable information you can rely on.

  2. Real-World Perspective: As a parent myself, I understand the joys and challenges of raising children firsthand. Our content is infused with real-world experiences and insights to make it relatable and relevant to your everyday life.

  3. Interactive and Engaging: Raise Playspace isn't just a blog—it's a community. We encourage you to visit us in person to play, learn, and party! Whether on the blog or in the playspace you’ll find a supportive and engaging environment for all parents.

Join the Raise Playspace Community Today! Whether you're seeking practical parenting advice, eager to learn more about child development, or simply looking for a supportive community of fellow parents, Raise has something for everyone. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let's enjoy the ride of parenthood tog

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